
Performance and Progress in 2023: An Interview with 弗兰基Ng


In this interview, CEO 弗兰基Ng discusses our performance and progress in 2023.


2023年标志着我们当前战略周期的结束. We have made considerable progress in all key strategic areas, strengthening our Health & Nutrition service offering with the acquisition of Nutrasource in North America. 我们在互联互通领域的市场份额也有所增长 & 产品 and Business Assurance (previously Knowledge) through focused resource and capital allocation.

With the digital laboratories program and improved customer relations management for salespeople, we are also making significant advances in our goal of becoming the most digital company in the TIC industry. This progress has only been possible through agile thinking and the efforts of our colleagues across the network.


我们面临的挑战和所有人一样——成本上升, 全球不稳定, 气候危机和消费者需求的变化. 作为一家公司,我们以多种方式回应.

首先,照顾好我们的人民. We foster employee engagement by providing motivating career paths as well as training initiatives on key topics, 比如员工福利, 健康与安全, 诚信及资讯保安.

其次, we focused on productivity and process optimization with our world-class services (WCS) program. 事实上, we have become the first in our industry to obtain the bronze level for two of our laboratories located in Shanghai and Bangkok. 这是一项非凡的成就, and I am very proud of the way this methodology is being adopted by the network, 到2023年将有7个实验室加入该计划.

数字化是我们效率文化的核心. I am pleased to report that over 30% of laboratories are now digital. Our global server network has been migrated to a single cloud-based solution and through applications such as Windgo, 风电场质量控制解决方案, 我们正在把我们的野外工作数字化. The ability to harness the vast amounts of data in our systems means we are also now developing better value propositions for our customers.

Thirdly, our strength lies in our geographic and service diversity. 在一个动荡不定的世界里, we can maintain growth trajectories by shifting our focus to different industries, 全球彩票app和/或地理位置. For example, as growth in Asia and Europe slows, we have increased our North American footprint.

最后, SGS将继续在新的增长领域进行投资和创新, such as the implementation of global solutions relating to sustainability, 健康与安全, 全氟和多氟物质(PFAS)和微塑料.


可持续性 is the foundation of our business strategy, as demonstrated by our commitment to 1.5°C and net-zero targets approved by the Science Based Targets initiative. 我们的目标雄心勃勃, 但这是正确的,因为, 作为市场领导者和全球性公司, 我们必须挑战可达到目标的极限. 否则, we will fail to be a part of the companies supporting a healthier planet, 社会和商业惯例.

We have strengthened our focus on four key areas to support our customers in their sustainability journeys: carbon, 生物多样性, 塑料和ESG保证. 通过开发行业领先的解决方案, we are helping our customers achieve their own sustainability goals, 提高效率,加快增长.

在内部, we are making great progress in our decarbonization strategy, with a special focus on employee awareness through campaigns such as Spot the Orange Dot. 虽然关掉一台电脑似乎无关紧要, the benefits for the environment are significant in a business with 99,600名员工. We are also focused on reducing emissions from our owned and leased properties and our vehicle fleet to reduce scope 1 and 2 emissions, 我们的供应链通过采购来解决范围3.

What are your reflections on leading SGS for 30 years and passing leadership to Géraldine Picaud?

It has been an extraordinary journey for me over the past 30 years, during which I have seen the Group transform into the company it is today. 因此, 我很高兴能把指挥权交给格扎尔丁·皮考德, whose energy and passion will no doubt lead SGS to new heights.

我将永远保留在SGS的美好回忆. All the fantastic people I have met and worked with and all the great events I have attended with customers and investors across the world will remain engraved in my memories.

I would like to finish by directly addressing my colleagues throughout SGS. 你是公司的心脏. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your hard work and dedication. It is your resilience and dynamism that has allowed us to achieve our goals.



We are SGS – the world’s leading testing, inspection and certification company. We are recognized as the global benchmark for sustainability, quality and integrity. Our 99,600名员工 operate a network of 2,600 offices and laboratories around the world.



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Group Vice President, Investor Relations, Communications and 可持续性

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